
Jan Pazdziora

fluent English, passive Slovak, German, survival knowledge of Russian and French; Czech (native)

Strong advocate of doing the right thing, not the easy thing, focusing on long term impact vs. short term gain (my manager's words)

Professional Experience

Red Hat Czech, s.r.o.


Senior Principal Software Engineer

OpenShift AI

August 2023–December 2024
  • Analysis of the AI "edge" problem space and use cases
  • Backlog and feature request prioritization, technical reviews
  • Enabling the product on additional architectures

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Security Group

January 2023–July 2023
  • RHEL 9 Common Criteria (CC) certification: advisory role to the new team owning the certification while the product heads for check-in to evaluation
  • Focus area analysis of technology opportunities and gaps: sigstore, identity and integrity verification (attestation), confidential computing

Platform Security Readiness

February 2020–December 2022
  • Product owner of RHEL 9 (CC) certification: established internal process, documentation, and discoverability to make RHEL CC certification business as usual, with focus on timely certification, minimizing surprises and uncertainty; drove transparent communication and collaboration with RHEL engineering and program teams to make RHEL always CC-ready; automation and CI to capture the state of the product; managed handover of the certification ownership to a new team
  • Secure Software Management Lifecycle (SSML): RHEL evidence gathering, process documentation and setup; SSML is Red Hat's Software Development Lifecycle framework in situation when vast majority of the product is primarily developed in upstream open-source projects

Security Engineering

May 2018–February 2020
  • SWID (Software Identification) ISO/IEC 19770-2:2015 devel lead: research of the standard and SWID tags implementation, focusing on RHEL
  • RHEL 8 CC certification tiger effort: SCAP content contributor for Protection Profile for General Purpose Operating (OSPP) 4.2.1
  • Frictionless Entitlements contributor: enabling bill-later product access and consumption

OpenShift Security

June 2017–May 2018
  • OpenShift Security Team member: authentication and authorization, security context constraints; certificate and secrets provisioning, handling, and lifetime; user namespacing enablement
  • Focused on upstream contributions to OpenShift Origin and Kubernetes

Identity Management Engineering

May 2013–June 2017
  • Integration Task Force lead: integrating identity management technologies into Red Hat products: OpenShift integration pilot, CloudForms (ManageIQ), RHEV (oVirt), Satellite 5 (Spacewalk), and Satellite 6 (Foreman) external authentication and authorization integration
  • FreeIPA containerization, including deployment in Kubernetes and OpenShift
  • Secrets distribution from FreeIPA Vault to OpenShift clusters
  • SSSD/IPA-enrollment/AD-join container for Atomic platform
  • Author and maintainer of Apache authentication and authorization modules

Red Hat Network Satellite Engineering / Spacewalk project

June 2006–May 2013
  • Lead technical engineer
  • Handling security issues of the product and upstream project
  • Debugged hundreds of customer reported cases and escalations, focus on network and database issues
  • Bugfix backporting for maintenance releases, hotfix request processing, reviewed hundreds of patches
  • Release nanny of multiple release of the Spacewalk project (Satellite's upstream)
  • Re-initiated the PostgreSQL database backend support and lead it to production-ready state; database schema migration and validation
  • Feature lead for SELinux support and script based reporting
  • Initiated and steered multiple infrastructure improvements especially for the build and automation systems (internal processes and systems, Spacewalk's koji in EC2)
  • Introduced new technologies to the product (migration to Apache 2 / mod_perl 2, RHEL 5, multiple Fedora versions, Tomcat 7)
  • Ambassador of interests of Spacewalk community of users and contributors

Technology used includes: Kubernetes, OpenShift, bash, golang, Perl, Python, Java, C, Oracle / PL/SQL, PostgreSQL / PL/pgSQL; Xen, KVM; Linux, Solaris; Linux containers (podman, docker); system provisioning / kickstarting; puppet, ansible; GitLab CI Pipelines, GitHub Actions, Travis CI; Atlassian Jira, Confluence

Principal Software Engineer until March 2015

Mentor both in formal mentoring program and informally

Interviewed over 80 candidates for software engineering and QE positions

(Co)authored nine patents

SkyNet, a.s.


IT Analyst and Software Developer

Billing of voice services

  • Responsible for analysis, design, and development; team lead
  • Process coordination both within the company and with with external partners and customers (interconnect, deployment of the system for other companies)
  • The billing software allowed the company to successfully enter the voice services market

Other internal systems

  • Analysis and development of domain management and domain registrar system
  • Supervised development of system for order processing and service provisioning
  • Development, certification, and deployment of domain registration system
  • Connections to legacy systems, invoicing / reporting / controlling, providing database systems know-how

Technology used included: Perl / mod_perl, Oracle / PL/SQL, XML / XSLT, HTML / CSS / JS / DOM

Masaryk University


IT Analyst and Software Developer

Information System of Masaryk University — administration of studies and scientific research

  • Analysis, architecture specification and design of data model, development of system environment and core modules, application development
  • Connections to other university information resources, on-line data transfers
  • Electronic applications for admission, payment processing
  • Deployment of the system for other institutions (outsourcing)
  • Document management system, including conversions of proprietary formats
  • Support for ECTS adoption at university level including modification of university regulations, coordination with rector's office

Technology used included: Perl / mod_perl, Oracle / PL/SQL, RPC

Speedlink GmbH, Berlin


Programmer (remote, contractor)


  • Analysis and design of cluster solution for mailing-list archive (clustered MySQL, mod_perl)

Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics


Network Administrator

  • Administration of Unix servers and computer networks (IRIX, Linux, Solaris; ATM)


Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics


PhD degree, Informatics

PhD dissertation Data-Centric Web Application Framework

Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics


Master degree (Mgr.), Informatics

Master thesis Linebreaking and pagebreaking algorithms in computer typesetting

Other Formal Qualification

Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA)


License # 110-914-611

Red Hat Certified Datacenter Specialist (RHCDS)


Red Hat Certified Security Specialist (RHCSS)


Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)


Teacher Training Program


Pedagogical and Presentation Experience

Invited lecture about external identities


Part of course Autentication and access control

Technical advisor for bachelor and master projects and theses


Topics included identity management, Apache and Nginx modules, networking and security

Training and tutoring Perl programming language


Supervisor and advisor for bachelor and master projects and theses


Topics included format and protocol processing, database systems

Teacher of Database Systems Seminar


Other projects and interests

  • Internal data layers in Web applications utilizing XML (RayApp)
  • Perl modules, Cstools, Docserver, TeX::(DVI|Hyphen), Font::TFM, MyConText, available on CPAN under GPL and Artistic Licences
  • Internationalization of PostgreSQL collation (nls_string), Czech and UTF-8 (UCA) linguistic sorting and collation modules for the MySQL database server
  • Numerous patches to open source software projects
  • Process streamlining in educational organization
  • Computer typography
  • Software localization