
Managing sudo rules for Fedora Atomic Host

Jan Pazdziora



SSSD provides identity, authentication, and authorization services to the operating system and applications. On Fedora Atomic Host, it is possible to run SSSD in a container, using the fedora/sssd container image. With FreeIPA/IdM (IPA) server, sudo rules can be defined and managed and starting with Fedora Atomic 23.53, they are observed.

SSSD on Atomic

As introduced in SSSD in container on Fedora Atomic Host, System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) can be run on Fedora Atomic in spite of not being installed on Fedora Atomic OSTree (host image) by default.

The container image contains tools that are able to IPA-enroll the Atomic Host or join it to Active Directory, using

atomic# atomic install fedora/sssd [...]
In the following, we'll assume the machine was IPA-enrolled and the sssd service is enabled and running:
atomic# systemctl enable sssd
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/sssd.service.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.wants/sssd.service to /etc/systemd/system/sssd.service.
atomic# systemctl start sssd

With this setup, users defined in IPA server can log in to the Atomic machine, provided host-based access control (HBAC) allows the access. So user bob can log in via SSH, either using password authentication (provided PasswordAuthentication is set to yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config) or for example using Kerberos/GSS-API:

other-host$ kinit bob
Password for bob@EXAMPLE.COM: 
other-host$ ssh
Could not chdir to home directory /home/bob: No such file or directory
atomic$ id
uid=1215800001(bob) gid=1215800001(bob) groups=1215800001(bob),1215800003(atomic-admins) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
atomic$ hostname
We see bob is logged in, even if the account is not listed in /etc/passwd — SSSD in the container resolves the user identity and assisted with the authentication and authorization.

Atomic admins

Let's assume bob should be able to execute some basic administration tasks on the Atomic machine, without having full root access. However, attempts to run docker or atomic are likely to fail:

atomic$ docker ps
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?
atomic$ atomic host status
/usr/bin/atomic needs to be run as root.

Command sudo is typically used to grant access to run processes with elevated privileges, for example as root. Configuration and access definition is stored in /etc/sudoers and /etc/sudoers.d ... but it can also come from IPA server via SSSD. With the steps below we will configure Sudo Rule in IPA so that bob and every other user in atomic-admins user group can run some basic docker and atomic commands.

With the id above we've already verified that bob is member of atomic-admins. We can also list the user group membership on the IPA server:

ipa$ ipa group-find atomic-admins
1 group matched
  Group name: atomic-admins
  GID: 1215800003
  Member users: alice, bob, david
Number of entries returned 1
Alternatively, IPA WebUI can provide the information, in IdentityUser Groupsatomic-admins:

If we need to add additional user to the group, we can use ipa group-add-member on command line or add the user via the + Add button on IPA WebUI.

Sudo Commands

To make subsequent manipulation easier, we will define Sudo Commands in IPA and group them in Sudo Command Group. We can achieve that on WebUI, PolicySudoSudo Commands and PolicySudoSudo Command Groups.

Alternatively, the commands and groups can be defined on command line:

ipa$ ipa sudocmdgroup-add atomic-admin-read
Added Sudo Command Group "atomic-admin-read"
  Sudo Command Group: atomic-admin-read
ipa$ for i in '/bin/docker ps' '/bin/docker ps -a' '/usr/bin/atomic host status' ; do
> 	ipa sudocmd-add "$i"
> 	ipa sudocmdgroup-add-member --sudocmds="$i" atomic-admin-read
> done
Added Sudo Command "/bin/docker ps"
  Sudo Command: /bin/docker ps
  Sudo Command Group: atomic-admin-read
  Member Sudo commands: /bin/docker ps
Number of members added 1
Added Sudo Command "/bin/docker ps -a"
  Sudo Command: /bin/docker ps -a
  Sudo Command Group: atomic-admin-read
  Member Sudo commands: /bin/docker ps, /bin/docker ps -a
Number of members added 1
Added Sudo Command "/usr/bin/atomic host status"
  Sudo Command: /usr/bin/atomic host status
  Sudo Command Group: atomic-admin-read
  Member Sudo commands: /bin/docker ps, /bin/docker ps -a, /usr/bin/atomic host status
Number of members added 1

We can check the result on command line

ipa$ ipa sudocmdgroup-find atomic-admin-read
1 Sudo Command Group matched
  Sudo Command Group: atomic-admin-read
  Member Sudo commands: /bin/docker ps, /bin/docker ps -a, /usr/bin/atomic host status
Number of entries returned 1
or on WebUI:

Sudo Rule

Now it's time to define Sudo Rule which will link the user group atomic-admins to the Sudo Command Group atomic-admin-read we've created above. Our requirement for the rule are:

  • every user member of atomic-admins has to be able to execute the commands;
  • on every machine;
  • the commands will be executed as root;
  • the users should not have to enter their password.
For example, bob should be able to execute
atomic$ sudo docker ps
and should get list of running containers.

On IPA server's command line, the steps would include:

ipa$ ipa sudorule-add --hostcat=all atomic-admin-read
Added Sudo Rule "atomic-admin-read"
  Rule name: atomic-admin-read
  Enabled: TRUE
  Host category: all
ipa$ ipa sudorule-add-user --groups=atomic-admins atomic-admin-read
  Rule name: atomic-admin-read
  Enabled: TRUE
  Host category: all
  User Groups: atomic-admins
Number of members added 1
ipa$ ipa sudorule-add-allow-command --sudocmdgroups=atomic-admin-read atomic-admin-read
  Rule name: atomic-admin-read
  Enabled: TRUE
  Host category: all
  User Groups: atomic-admins
  Sudo Allow Command Groups: atomic-admin-read
Number of members added 1
ipa$ ipa sudorule-add-runasuser --users=root atomic-admin-read
  Rule name: atomic-admin-read
  Enabled: TRUE
  Host category: all
  User Groups: atomic-admins
  Sudo Allow Command Groups: atomic-admin-read
  RunAs External User: root
Number of members added 1
ipa$ ipa sudorule-add-option --sudooption='!authenticate' atomic-admin-read
Added option "!authenticate" to Sudo Rule "atomic-admin-read"
  Rule name: atomic-admin-read
  Enabled: TRUE
  Host category: all
  RunAs External User: root
  Sudo Option: !authenticate
The !authenticate option causes password-less execution, like NOPASSWD in /etc/sudoers* would.

Let us check the resulting Sudo Rule:

ipa$ ipa sudorule-find atomic-admin-read
1 Sudo Rule matched
  Rule name: atomic-admin-read
  Enabled: TRUE
  Host category: all
  User Groups: atomic-admins
  Sudo Allow Command Groups: atomic-admin-read
  RunAs External User: root
  Sudo Option: !authenticate
Number of entries returned 1

Of course, we could have created the setup on the WebUI as well, under PolicySudoSudo Rules and + Add, atomic-admin-read and Add and Edit. We can also check the result on the WebUI:

Using sudo

Now it's time to test the new Sudo Rule. With SSSD running in container on Atomic Host and logged in as bob, commands listed in the Sudo Command Group should work when passed to sudo:

atomic$ sudo docker ps
5e464ff2c527  fedora/sssd  "/bin/"  About an hour ago  Up 10 minutes       sssd
We can see the the command that used to fail when run directly because the user did not have access to the Unix socket used by docker daemon now passes. So will pass the other two commands specified in the Sudo Command Group.

We've shown a simple example of defining Sudo Rule in IPA server and using it on Fedora Atomic Host. Of course, in real-world setups the rules will likely be more complex, perhaps using host groups as well, and having different sets of commands for different categories of admin users. However, the principles will stay the same and Atomic will be able to consume the rules, looked up and resolved by SSSD.

Versions used

  • Fedora 23.53 Atomic Host (ostree)
  • SSSD container 5e464ff2c527 (use docker images)